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时间:2010-04-17 11:19:59来源:www.pcbsjx.cn 作者:龙人计算机 点击:

  TS87C58X2 单片机概述
  TS80C54/58X2 is high performance CMOS ROM, OTP and EPROM versions of the80C51 CMOS single chip 8-bit microcontroller.
  The TS80C54/58X2 retains all features of the Atmel 80C51 with extended ROM/EPROM capacity (16/32 Kbytes), 256 bytes of internal RAM, a 6-source , 4-level interrupt system, an on-chip oscilator and three timer/counters. In addition, the TS80C54/58X2 a Hardware Watchdog Timer, a more versatile serial channel that facilitates multiprocessor communication (EUART) and a X2 speed improvement mechanism. The fully static design of the TS80C54/58X2 allows to reduce system power consumption by bringing the clock frequency down to any value, even DC, without loss of data.
  The TS80C54/58X2 has 2 software-selectable modes of reduced activity for further reduction in power consumption. In the idle mode the CPU is frozen while the timers, the serial port and the interrupt system are still operating. In the power-down mode the RAM is saved and all otherfunctions are inoperative.
  TS87C58X2 单片机特性
  80C52 Compatible
  8051 pin and instruction compatible
  Four 8-bit I/O ports
  Three 16-bit timer/counters
  256 bytes scratchpad RAM
  High-Speed Architecture
  40 MHz @ 5V, 30MHz @ 3V
  X2 Speed Improvement capability (6 clocks/machine cycle)
  – 30 MHz @ 5V, 20 MHz @ 3V (Equivalent to
  – 60 MHz @ 5V, 40 MHz @ 3V)
  Dual Data Pointer
  On-chip ROM/EPROM (16K-bytes, 32K-bytes)
  Programmable Clock Out and Up/Down Timer/Counter 2
  Hardware Watchdog Timer (One-time enabled with Reset-Out)
  Asynchronous port reset
  Interrupt Structure with
  6 Interrupt sources
  4 level priority interrupt system
  Full duplex Enhanced UART
  Framing error detection
  Automatic address recognition
  Low EMI (inhibit ALE)
  Power Control modes
  Idle mode
  Power-down mode
  Power-off Flag
  Once mode (On-chip Emulation)
  Power supply: 4.5-5.5V, 2.7-5.5V
  Temperature ranges: Commercial (0 to 70oC) and Industrial (-40 to 85oC)
  Packages: PDIL40, PLCC44, VQFP44 1.4, PQFP44 F1, CQPJ44 (window), CDIL40

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